2015年7月9日 星期四

[炊] Risotto, 香菇燉飯初體驗

第一次做燉飯,還蠻好吃的XDD 實作的對像是風味燉飯&絕品濃湯書中的夏季松露野菇燉飯(Mushroom risotto with truffle)。 不過當然沒有那麼多高級材料拉~ 用的都是全聯福利中心可以買到的食材。




  • 台梗九號米 兩人份 (大約100g 左右)
  • 洋蔥 切丁 一小碗 (大約 10~15g)
  • 蘑菇 切片 3~5 朵 
  • 紅禧菇 去蒂頭 2 朵 (總共約 55g)
  • 新鮮香菇 4 朵 
  • 香菇乾 5 朵 (泡熱水後切片,熱水不要倒掉)

原本食譜上是放牛乾菌菇 5g ,不過這種珍貴的食材不知道哪裡買@@ 所以我用乾貨香菇來替代。


  • 奶油 30g (大約 1/3 條)
  • 鹽巴跟胡椒 少許
  • 起司粉 少許 (書上用乾酪)
  • 雞高湯 300 ml


1. 潤鍋,中火炒洋蔥至香,加入奶油跟香菇
所謂潤鍋是先用橄欖油把鍋子潤一遍,以免接下來炒食物 & 飯的時候沾鍋。我潤鍋後就加入洋蔥了,等洋蔥炒的差不多時,灑上胡椒,再放入一塊奶油。(食譜上是用無鹽奶油,出於懶惰,我用有鹽的就不再調味了) 等奶油溶化的差不多的時候放入所有香菇。

2. 加入米,拌炒至半透明,再分次加入高湯等待慢慢收汁

3. 加入洗香菇的水,拌炒
香菇水的氣味滿香,對口感滿重要的。雞高湯大約準備 300 ml,每次加入大約 50 ml 總共加入 6 次,慢慢讓米飯收汁,一邊觀察黏度,不要太稀也小心黏在鍋子上焦掉。另外可以交替加入高湯與香菇水。

 4. 不斷試吃,等到適當口感後蓋鍋蓋轉小火,悶煮約3分鐘後,加入胡椒與起司粉,拌勻即可

2014年7月2日 星期三

Desktop Manipulator

Erick and I cooperated and did it in this semester.
We make it from scratch. Erick deal with mechanism design and manufacturing and Im in charge of control.
Our design procedure is followed this flow chart.

Erick cares so many details. One thing we may encounter is that the linkage is quadratic loop equation. When we solve it, two solution will come out that can cause link crossover situation.

Zoom in and see what assembly in detail.

First time test video

2014年6月26日 星期四

Mechanical Experiment Improvement

有幸為母校成大機械系設計一堂機械工程實驗課程 (還有幸今天可以打中文XD)

這堂課的設計目標是因為目前開源硬體非常流行(像是Arduino、Raspberry Pi),售價不斷下降時效能卻大幅提升。我想利用Open-Source的軟體硬體,製作在機械工程中非常重要的PID控制器。


(實作時的紀錄可以參考: 之前)


在這堂課程的基礎上,日後可以設計小型的Term Project,利用PID控制馬達來達成應用,像是倒單擺的實踐或是輪型機器人的精準控制等等。


2014年6月23日 星期一

Dillon - Thirteen Thirtyfive

Pretty like this song

Strongest taste
loudest drop
head is filled
the thought, unlocked

you'd be thirteen
i'd be thirty-five
gone to find a place for us to hide

be together but alone
as the need for it has grown

a cave or a shed
a car or a bed
a hole in the ground
or a burial mound
a bush or a tree
or the aegean sea will do for me

for you i found a vent
in the bottom of a coal mine
just enough space for your hands in the inside

if you go
do let me know

a den or a dessert
perhaps an ink squirt
a cellar, a wishing well, a war
or a guarantee will do for me

for you i found a cell
on the top floor of a prison
just enough space for you to fit your feet in

if you go
please let me know

2014年6月22日 星期日

New Toy - PX4FLOW

I just received the notice that my toy arrived! It is PX4FLOW, you can find more information here: https://pixhawk.org/modules/px4flow

It is highly sensor-integrated device. The device fused optical flow CMOS camera, sonar sensor and gyro.

Besides, its CPU is STM32F4 which I have some experience about this Cortex M4 core. I want to implement some algorithm on it achieving visual odometry.

Test it on qGrouncontrol-pixhawk

ps. PX4FLOW can be bought here: http://goods.ruten.com.tw/item/show?21405213979317